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Target Exam







Select the pair of words from the options given below, that best illustrates a similar relation as the pair:-

Lively : Dull


Employed : Jobless

flower : Bud

factory : Labour

Happy : Gay

Correct Answer:

Employed : Jobless


The answer is Employed : Jobless.

Lively and dull are antonyms, meaning they have opposite meanings. Employed and jobless are also antonyms, meaning they have opposite meanings.

Lively means "full of energy and enthusiasm." Dull means "not interesting or exciting." Employed means "having a job." Jobless means "not having a job."

In the same way, a lively person is full of energy and enthusiasm, while a dull person is not interesting or exciting. An employed person has a job, while a jobless person does not have a job.

The other options do not have the same relationship. For example, a flower is a mature plant, while a bud is an immature plant. A factory is a building where goods are made, while labour is the work that is done in a factory. Happy and gay are both positive words, but they do not have opposite meanings.