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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: India's External Relations


India has consistently opposed international treaties focused on non-proliferation due to their selective application limited to non-nuclear states, which reinforces the dominance of the five nuclear-armed nations. As a result, India resisted the unlimited extension of the NPT in 1995 and declined to endorse the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT).

India had been in favor of which of the following ideology?


Non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament.

Discriminatory nuclear disarmament 

Helping every country to acquire Nuclear Weapons.

None of the above.

Correct Answer:

Non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament.


 India’s nuclear doctrine of credible minimum nuclear deterrence professes “no first use” and reiterates India’s commitment to global, verifiable and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament leading to a nuclear weapons-free world.