Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Read the following passage.

New Grow Ltd. is a company manufacturing electronic goods. Since the demand for the company's products increased in the market, the level of production had to be increased. This required recruitment of more people in production department.

Kapil, the HR manager, conducted an analysis which revealed the number and type of employees available in the department. Kapil used the internal sources first for recruiting a few employees. For the rest of the recruitment, he decided to use various suitable external sources like advertisement, placement agencies, campus recruitment and web publishing.

He followed a process for the purpose of selecting the best candidates and conducted a series of employment tests and interviews. Ten people were finally selected and after the medical examination their contract of employment was prepared. Since the new employees had to handle highly sophisticated machinery, the training was given to them away from the workplace by creating work environments in the separate laboratory.

The employees got trained well and with increased workforce, the company could achieve its target of high level of production.

Name the type of analysis conducted by Kapil.


General Analysis

Workload Analysis

Workplace Analysis

Workforce Analysis

Correct Answer:

Workforce Analysis


The correct answer is option 4- Workforce Analysis.

Understanding the manpower requirements would necessitate workload analysis on the one hand and workforce analysis on the other. Workload analysis would enable an assessment of the number and types of human resources necessary for the performance of various jobs and accomplishment of organisational objectives. Workforce analysis would reveal the number and type available. In fact such an exercise would reveal whether we are understaffed, overstaffed or optimally staffed.