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Target Exam



Political Science




Which of the following statements is correct about equality?

Statement A- Natural inequalities are those that emerge between people as a result of their different capabilities and talents.

Statement B- Socially-produced inequalities emerge as a consequence of inequalities of opportunity or the exploitation of some groups in a society by others.

Choose the correct answer from the given options:


Only Statement 'A' is correct.

Only Statement 'B' is correct.

Both Statements are correct.

Both Statements are incorrect.

Correct Answer:

Both Statements are correct.


The correct answer is Option 3 - Both Statements are correct.

Statement A- Natural inequalities are those that emerge between people as a result of their different capabilities and talents.

Statement B- Socially-produced inequalities emerge as a consequence of inequalities of opportunity or the exploitation of some groups in a society by others.

A distinction has sometimes been made in political theory between natural inequalities and socially-produced inequalities. Natural inequalities are those that emerge between people as a result of their different capabilities and talents. These kinds of inequalities are different from socially-produced inequalities which emerge as a consequence of inequalities of opportunity or the exploitation of some groups in a society by others.