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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Indian Geography


Which one of the following rivers is not included in 'Panchnad - The five rivers of Punjab'?


The Luni

The Jhelum

The Chenab

The Sutlej

Correct Answer:

The Luni


The correct answer is Option (1) → The Luni

The "Panchnad," meaning "Five Rivers," refers to the five major rivers that historically defined the region of Punjab. These rivers are the Beas, Jhelum, Chenab, Ravi, and Sutlej. All these are tributaries of Indus River. They have played a significant role in shaping the geography, culture, and agriculture of the Punjab region, providing water for irrigation, transportation, and sustenance to the people living in the area.

However, "The Luni" river is not one of the Panchnad rivers. The Luni river is located in the western Indian states of Rajasthan and Gujarat and flows into the Rann of Kutch, whereas the Panchnad rivers primarily flow through the Punjab region of India and Pakistan.