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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Kingdom Fungi?


No mechanisms for locomotion

Multicellular structure

With a cell wall

With chloroplasts

Correct Answer:

With chloroplasts


The correct answer is Option (4)- With chloroplasts

The characteristic that is NOT typically associated with Kingdom Fungi is With chloroplasts.


Fungi lack chloroplasts, which are organelles responsible for photosynthesis. Unlike plants, which belong to the Kingdom Plantae and contain chloroplasts, fungi are heterotrophic organisms that obtain nutrients by absorbing them from their surroundings. Fungi do not perform photosynthesis and do not possess chlorophyll or chloroplasts.

The other characteristics mentioned—No mechanisms for locomotion, Multicellular structure, and With a cell wall—are typical features of fungi. Fungi are immobile, exhibit multicellular structures (except for yeasts, which may be unicellular), and have cell walls composed of chitin.