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Modern India: Mahatma Gandhi and the Nationalist movement


26 January 1930, was observed as with the national flag being hoisted in different venues and patriotic songs being sung.


Boycott Day

Swadeshi Day

Independence Day

Republic Day

Correct Answer:

Independence Day


The correct answer is Option (3) → Independence Day

The reason January 26, 1930, is celebrated as Independence Day is rooted in the historical events of the Indian independence movement.

Declaration of Purna Swaraj:

  • On January 26, 1930, the Indian National Congress, under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi, issued the Declaration of Independence, also known as the Purna Swaraj Declaration.
  • The declaration asserted India's demand for complete independence from British rule.

Civil Disobedience Movement:

  • The declaration was a significant moment in the Indian independence movement and marked the launch of the Civil Disobedience Movement.
  • The movement aimed to resist British colonial laws and policies peacefully through non-cooperation and civil disobedience.

Choice of Date:

  • January 26 was chosen for the declaration because it coincided with the anniversary of the Indian National Congress's formation in 1885.
  • The day symbolized a unified demand for self-rule and independence.

So, the correct option is [3]