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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


Choose the correct sequence for central dogma.


Protein translation, DNA Replication, m-RNA transcription

DNA Replication, m-RNA transcription, Protein translation

m-RNA transcription, Protein translation, DNA Replication

m-RNA transcription, DNA Replication, Protein translation

Correct Answer:

DNA Replication, m-RNA transcription, Protein translation


The correct answer is Option (2) – DNA Replication, m-RNA transcription, Protein translation

The correct sequence for the central dogma of molecular biology is: DNA Replication, m-RNA Transcription, Protein Translation


  1. DNA Replication: The process by which DNA makes an identical copy of itself. This occurs before cell division and ensures that each daughter cell receives a complete set of genetic information.
  2. m-RNA Transcription: The synthesis of messenger RNA (m-RNA) from a DNA template. This process takes place in the nucleus and involves transcribing the genetic information from DNA into mRNA.
  3. Protein Translation: The process of synthesizing a protein from the information carried by mRNA. It takes place in the ribosomes, where the sequence of nucleotides in mRNA is translated into a sequence of amino acids, forming a polypeptide chain that folds into a functional protein.