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Target Exam





The Living World


Monkey, gorilla and gibbons belongs to which of the following order and class respectively ?




Carnivora and eutheria

Carnivora and mammalia

Primata and prototheria

Primata and mammalia

Correct Answer:

Primata and mammalia


 The correct answer is Option (4)- Primata and mammalia

Taxonomical studies of all known organisms have led to the development of common categories such as kingdom, phylum or division (for plants), class, order, family, genus and species. All organisms, including those in the plant and animal kingdoms have species as the lowest category .

Taxonomic studies consider a group of individual organisms with fundamental similarities as a species.

Genus comprises a group of related species which has more characters in common in comparison to species of other genera.

The next category, Family, has a group of related genera with still less number of similarities as compared to genus and species.

Generally, order and other higher taxonomic categories are identified based on the aggregates of characters. Order being a higher category, is the assemblage of families which exhibit a few similar characters.

Class  includes related orders. For example, order Primata comprising monkey, gorilla and gibbon is placed in class Mammalia along with order Carnivora that includes animals like tiger, cat and dog. Class Mammalia has other orders also .

Classes comprising animals like fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds along with mammals constitute the next higher category called Phylum.

All animals belonging to various phyla are assigned to the highest category called Kingdom Animalia in the classification system of animals. The Kingdom Plantae, on the other hand, is distinct, and comprises all plants from various divisions.