Practicing Success

Target Exam





Medieval India: Kings and Chronicles


Who among the following was given the title 'Mirza Raja' by the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb?

A- Todar Mal

B- Jai Singh

C- Birbal

D- Jaswant Singh


A and B

B and C

B and D

C and D

Correct Answer:

B and D


The granting of titles to men of merit was an important aspect of Mughal polity. A man’s ascent in the court hierarchy could be traced through the titles he held. The title Asaf Khan for one of the highest ministers originated with Asaf, the legendary minister of the prophet king Sulaiman (Solomon). The title Mirza Raja was accorded by Aurangzeb to his two highest-ranking nobles, Jai Singh and Jaswant Singh. Titles could be earned or paid for. Mir Khan offered Rs one lakh to Aurangzeb for the letter alif, that is A, to be added to his name to make it Amir Khan.