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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


How did the Congress party evolve from its origins in 1885?


It transformed into a pressure group for the educated elite.

It became a mass movement in the twentieth century.

It started as a political party for the lower classes.

It emerged as a conservative organization.

Correct Answer:

It became a mass movement in the twentieth century.


Congress underwent a significant transformation from its inception in 1885 as a pressure group representing the educated, professional, and commercial classes. Over time, it evolved into a mass movement, laying the foundation for its eventual transition into a dominant political party within the Indian political system. Initially, Congress primarily consisted of the English-speaking, upper caste, upper middle-class, and urban elites. However, with each civil disobedience movement it spearheaded, its social base expanded, bringing together diverse groups with often conflicting interests.