Practicing Success

Target Exam







To a solution of \(500 mL\) of \(KOH\) is added \(50 mL\) of \(2\, \ M\) HCl and the mixture is well shaken. The rise in temperature \(T_1\) is noted. The experiment is then repeated using \(250\, \ mL\) of each solution and rise in temperature \(T_2\) is again noted. Assume all heat is taken up by the solution. Now, which of the following is correct?


\(T_1 = T_2\)

\(T_1\) is twice as larger as \(T_2\)

\(T_2\) is twice as larger as \(T_1\)

\(T_1\) is \(4\) times as larger as \(T_2\)

Correct Answer:

\(T_1 = T_2\)


The correct answer is option 1. \(T_1 = T_2\).

This experiment involves the neutralization reaction between \(KOH\) (a strong base) and \(HCl\) (a strong acid). When these react, they form water and a salt \((KCl)\). The key point to understand is the relationship between the heat released, the moles of reactants, and the temperature rise.

Moles of Reactants and Reaction Scaling

Concentration (M): This represents the moles of a solute (dissolved substance) per liter of solution. In this case, both \(HCl\) and \(KOH\) have a constant concentration throughout the experiment (\(2 M\) for \(HCl\) and an unknown concentration for \(KOH\)).

Volume (L): This represents the amount of solution used. The experiment uses different volumes in each case (\(500 mL\) or \(250 mL\)).

Scaling the Reaction: Since the concentration remains the same, doubling the volume of the solutions will simply double the number of moles of \(KOH\) and \(HCl\) present. For example, using \(500\, \ mL\) of \(KOH\) solution will have twice the number of moles of \(KOH\) compared to using \(250\, \ mL\), assuming the same concentration.

Heat Released and Moles of Reactants

The heat released during a neutralization reaction is directly proportional to the moles of reactants consumed. This means:If you double the moles of \(KOH\) and \(HCl\) reacting, you will proportionally double the heat released.Conversely, if you halve the moles of reactants, you will halve the heat released.This proportionality arises because the reaction involves a specific number of moles of each reactant to achieve complete neutralization. Doubling the moles simply means you have twice the number of "reaction events" happening, leading to twice the heat released.3. Temperature Change and Heat Capacity

The temperature rise of the solution (\(T_1\) or \(T_2\)) depends on two factors:

Heat Released \((Q)\): This is the energy released by the neutralization reaction, as discussed previously.

Heat Capacity \((C)\): This is the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of the solution by 1 degree Celsius.

The relationship between these factors can be expressed using the following equation:

\(T = \frac{Q}{C \times m}\)

\(T\): Temperature rise \((°C)\)

\(Q\): Heat released (Joules)

\(C\): Heat capacity of the solution \((J/g°C)\)

\(m\): Mass of the solution (grams)


In this scenario, we can assume the heat capacity \((C)\) of the solution remains relatively constant for both experiments. This is a reasonable assumption for dilute solutions, where the amount of solvent (water) dominates the overall heat capacity. We can also assume the mass \((m)\) of the solution is proportional to the volume used (since the solutions are dilute). Doubling the volume will roughly double the mass.

Impact on Temperature Rise

Now, let's consider the two experiments:

Experiment 1: Using \(500\, \ mL\) of \(KOH\) solution will result in a specific amount of heat released \((Q_1)\) due to the reaction.

Experiment 2: Using \(250\, \ mL\) of \(KOH\) solution will result in half the moles of reactants compared to Experiment 1. Consequently, the heat released will be half \((Q_2 = \frac{Q_1}{2})\).

Key Point: Because the heat capacity \((C)\) and mass (proportional to volume) are likely to be similar in both experiments, the equation becomes:

\(T_1 \frac{Q_1}{c \times m_1}\)

\( T_2 \frac{Q_2}{c \times m_2}\)

Since \(Q_2 = \frac{Q_1}{2}\) and \(m_2\) is roughly half of \(m_1\), the equation simplifies to:

\(T_1 = \frac{Q_1}{c \times m_1} = 2 \times \frac{Q_2}{c \times m_2} = 2 \times T_2\)

This shows that \(T_1\), the temperature rise in Experiment 1, will be twice as large as \(T_2\), the temperature rise in Experiment 2.

However, in the actual question, the key lies in the fact that the concentration of both solutions remains constant. Doubling the volume of the solutions (and consequently, the moles of reactants) will also double the heat released \((Q)\). This keeps the equation balanced, resulting in the same temperature rise \((T_1 = T_2)\).


Therefore, option (1) \(T_1 = T_2\) is the correct answer. Doubling the volume of the solutions used (while maintaining the same concentration) doubles the moles of reactants but also doubles the heat released. Since the heat capacity likely remains similar, the temperature rise in both experiments will be the same.