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Grammar: Idioms


Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.

A dime a dozen


common and so of little value

in great demand as not easily available

available only in bulk

not available everywhere

Correct Answer:

common and so of little value


The most appropriate meaning of the idiom "a dime a dozen" is common and so of little value.

The other options are incorrect.

  • "In great demand as not easily available" is not the same as a dime a dozen. Something that is in great demand is something that is wanted by many people and is therefore difficult to get.
  • "Available only in bulk" is not the same as a dime a dozen. Something that is available only in bulk is something that is only available in large quantities.
  • "Not available everywhere" is not the same as a dime a dozen. Something that is not available everywhere is something that is not available in all places.

The idiom "a dime a dozen" literally means something that is worth a dime, which is a very small amount of money. It is used to describe something that is very common and therefore not very valuable. For example, you might say that lawyers are a dime a dozen, meaning that there are many of them and they are not very special.