Practicing Success

Target Exam







Select the option that is the direct form of the given sentence.

Brinda told her doctor that she was leaving for Boston the next day.


Brinda told her doctor, “I was leaving for Boston tomorrow”.

Brinda said to her doctor, “I am leaving for Boston tomorrow.”

Brinda had told her doctor, “She was leaving for Boston the next day”.

Brinda told to her doctor, “I will be leaving for Boston the next day”.

Correct Answer:

Brinda said to her doctor, “I am leaving for Boston tomorrow.”


The correct option is:OPTION 2 Brinda said to her doctor, "I am leaving for Boston tomorrow."

This is the only option that directly expresses Brinda's statement about her travel plans. The other options are either indirect speech, or they use the wrong tense.

  • Brinda told her doctor, "I was leaving for Boston tomorrow". This is indirect speech, because it uses the reporting verb "told" and the conjunction "that". Additionally, it uses the past tense "was leaving", which is incorrect for a statement that is still in the future.
  • Brinda had told her doctor, "She was leaving for Boston the next day". This is indirect speech, because it uses the reporting verb "had told" and the conjunction "that". Additionally, it uses the pronoun "she" instead of "I", which is incorrect, since Brinda is the one who is speaking.
  • Brinda told to her doctor, "I will be leaving for Boston the next day". This is incorrect because it uses the word "to" before "doctor". The correct way to address someone is to simply say "doctor".