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Target Exam





Environmental Issues


Match column 1 with column 2 and choose the correct option.

   COLUMN 1      COLUMN 2  
  A.   Chipko movement   i.   To phase out CFCs
  B.   Bishnois    ii.   Reduce the emission of greenhouse gases
  C.  Helsinki Declaration   iii.   Rajasthan
  D.  Kyoto protocol   iv.  Garhwal Hiamalyas



A- iv , B- ii C- i, D-iii

A- iii , B- iv, C- ii, D-i

A- iv , B- iii, C- i, D-ii

A- ii , B- iii, C- i, D-iv

Correct Answer:

A- iv , B- iii, C- i, D-ii


Kyoto Protocol (December 1997) :- International conference held in Kyoto, Japan obtained commitments from different countries for developing alternatives ODS ( Ozone Depleting Substances) and reducing overall greenhouse gas emissions at a level 5% below 1990 level by 2008-2012.

Helsinki Declaration (May 1989) :- Montreal protocol was ratified by 82 nations at Helsinki. They pledged to phase out CFCs by 2000.

In 1731, the king of Jodhpur in Rajasthan asked one of his ministers to arrange wood for constructing a new palace. The minister and workers went to a forest near a village, inhabited by Bishnois, to cut down trees. The Bishnoi community is known for its peaceful co-existence with nature. The effort to cut down trees by the kings was thwarted by the Bishnois. A Bishnoi woman Amrita Devi showed exemplary courage by hugging a tree and daring king’s men to cut her first before cutting the tree. The tree mattered much more to her than her own life. Sadly, the king’s men did not heed to her pleas, and cut down the tree along with Amrita Devi. Her three daughters and hundreds of other Bishnois followed her, and thus lost their lives saving trees. The Government of India has recently instituted the Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife Protection Award for individuals or communities from rural areas that have shown extraordinary courage and dedication in protecting wildlife

Chipko movement is a very important movement about people participation in conservation of forests. In 1974 Garhwal Himalayas' local women showed enormous bravery in protecting trees from the axe of contractors by hugging them. People all over the world have acclaimed the Chipko movement. Realising the significance of participation by local community ,the Government of India in 1980s has introduced the concept of Joint Forest Management ,so as to work closely with the local community for protecting and managing forest. In return for the services to the forest, the community get benefits of various forest products, like fruits, gum, rubber ,medicine ,etc and then the forest can be conserved in a sustainable manner. Chipko movement has two leaders Chandi Prasad Bhatt of Gopeshwar and Sundarlal Bahuguna of Silyara in Tehri region.