Practicing Success

Target Exam



General Test


Logical and Analytical Reasoning


Matching Definitions


Embellishing the truth refers to adding fictitious details or exaggerating facts, figures or stories. Which situation given below is the best example of embellishing the truth?


The realtor describes the house, which is ten blocks away from the sea, as prime waterfront property.

Maria goes to watch a movie, and the next day, she tells her colleagues that the movie was excellent.

In a job interview for the post of a teacher, Harry, who has been teaching in a primary school for ten years, tells the interviewers that he is a very experienced teacher.

The football coach says that only the most talented players will get a college scholarship.

Correct Answer:

The realtor describes the house, which is ten blocks away from the sea, as prime waterfront property.


Option A indicates that realtor is embellishing the truth by saying that the house which is ten blocks away from the sea is a prime waterfront property.