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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Which of the following statement expresses correctly the term 'Conduction'?


The process by which heat is transferred from the colder end to the hotter end of an object.

The process by which heat is transferred from the hotter end to the colder end of an object.

The process by which heat is transferred from the sun to mars.

None of these

Correct Answer:

The process by which heat is transferred from the hotter end to the colder end of an object.


The correct answer is option 2. The process by which heat is transferred from the hotter end to the colder end of an object.

Conduction is the process of heat transfer through a substance or between different substances that are in direct contact. In conduction, heat energy is transferred by the collision of particles within a material. When one part of a material is heated, the particles gain kinetic energy and vibrate more vigorously. These energetic particles collide with neighboring particles, transferring the kinetic energy and heat to them.

The direction of heat transfer in conduction is from the region of higher temperature to the region of lower temperature. This process continues until thermal equilibrium is reached, and the entire material or system reaches a uniform temperature.

Materials that are good conductors of heat, such as metals, allow heat to pass through easily due to the high mobility of their electrons. Insulators, on the other hand, are poor conductors and inhibit the flow of heat. Conduction is a fundamental mechanism for heat transfer in various everyday situations, such as cooking, cooling, and the conduction of heat through metal objects.