Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Reena is working in a car manufacturing company. One day she approaches her supervisor to discuss a better procedure of manufacturing the car. But the superior informs her that he is helpless and cannot change the procedure as it is set by the higher level Manągement.

Identify the limitation of planning highlighted here.


May not work in a dynamic environment

Involves huge costs

Is a time consuming process

Leads to rigidity

Correct Answer:

Leads to rigidity


The correct answer is option 4 i.e. Leads to rigidity.

Reena's supervisor indicates that the procedure for manufacturing the car is set by higher-level management, suggesting a rigid structure that may not easily adapt to alternative or improved procedures.

Planning leads to rigidity: In an organisation, a well-defined plan is drawn up with specific goals to be achieved within a specific time frame. These plans then decide the future course of action and managers may not be in a position to change it. This kind of rigidity in plans may create difficulty. Managers need to be given some flexibility to be able to cope with the changed circumstances. Following a pre-decided plan, when circumstances have changed, may not turn out to be in the organisations interest.