Practicing Success

Target Exam





Strategies for enhancement in Food production


Totipotency can be defined as :


Capacity to generate whole plant from any cell/explant

Capacity to survive in unfavourable environment condition

Ability to conduct water in 100 meter tall tree

The duration of dormancy of seeds and other propagules in angiosperms

Correct Answer:

Capacity to generate whole plant from any cell/explant


The correct answer is Option (1)-Capacity to generate whole plant from any cell/explant

Totipotency can be defined as the capacity of a single cell or explant to generate a whole plant. This means that under the right conditions, a single cell or a small piece of plant tissue (explant) has the potential to give rise to all the cell types and structures necessary to develop into a complete, mature plant. This property is fundamental in plant tissue culture and regeneration techniques, where scientists can use cells or explants to propagate and produce new plants. The ability of a cell to differentiate into various specialized cell types is a characteristic feature of plant cells, which allows for totipotency.