Practicing Success

Target Exam







Change the following sentence into the Indirect Speech by choosing the correct option :

"Don't put sharp things in your purse." said his brother.


His brother told him not to put sharp things in his purse.

His brother requested her not to put sharp things in the purse.

His brother did not ask him to put sharp things in his purse.

His brother refused to keep sharp things in his purse.

Correct Answer:

His brother told him not to put sharp things in his purse.


The best option to convert the sentence "Don't put sharp things in your purse." to indirect speech is: His brother told him not to put sharp things in his purse.

Here's why:

  • The original sentence is an imperative negative command given by the brother.
  • To convert it to indirect speech, we need to:
    • Change the imperative form ("Don't put") to a reporting verb like "told" or "advised."
    • Use the infinitive form ("not to put") to introduce the reported command.
    • Maintain the subject and object (brother, him, and purse) as they are in the original sentence.