Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies




Maslow's Need Hierarchy theory is based on the following assumptions :

(A) People's behaviour is based on their needs

(B) People's need are in hierarchical order

(C) People's need depends upon their family

(D) A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person

(E) People fulfill their highest level need first

Choose the correct answer from the options given below :


(A), (B) and (D) only

(B), (C), (A) and (D) only

(C), (D) and (A) only

(C), (D) and (E) only

Correct Answer:

(A), (B) and (D) only


The correct answer is option (1) : (A), (B) and (D) only

(A) People's behvaiour is based on their needs :

Explanation: This assumption suggests that human behavior is motivated by the desire to satisfy certain needs. Maslow proposed that individuals are driven by a hierarchy of needs, and their actions are directed towards fulfilling these needs.

(B) People's needs are in hierarchical order: 

Explanation: Maslow's hierarchy of needs is structured in a pyramid, with lower-level needs taking precedence over higher-level needs. The hierarchy includes physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. This assumption asserts that individuals generally seek to satisfy lower-level needs before moving to higher-level ones.

(C) People's need depend upon their family :

Explanation : This option is not aligned with Maslow's theory . Maslow's hierarchy of needs is more broadly applicable to individuals, and the fulfillment of needs is not limited to family dynamics.

(D) A satisfied need can no longer motivate a person :

Explanation : According to Maslow, a satisfied need no longer serves as a motivator. Once a lower-level need is satisfied, an individual is motivated to fulfill the next higher-level need in the hierarchy.

(E) People fulfill their highest-level need first :

Explanation : This options is not in line with Maslow' theory. The hierarchy proposes that individuals typically needs before progressing to higher-level needs like social or self-actualization.