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Target Exam



Political Science


Contemporary World Politics: International Organisations


Match the following People in List 1 correctly with the description in List 2:

List 1- Person

List 2- Description

(a) Winston Churchill

(i) Yalta Conference

(b) Kofi A. Annan

(ii) Worked for the creation of UN Women

(c) Stalin

(iii) British Prime Minister

(d) Ban Ki-Moon

(iv) Won 2001 Nobel Peace Prize



 (a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d) ii

 (a)- iv, (b)- iii, (c)- i, (d) ii

 (a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- ii, (d) i

 (a)- iii, (b)- i, (c)- iv, (d) ii

Correct Answer:

 (a)- iii, (b)- iv, (c)- i, (d) ii


The Atlantic Charter was a joint declaration released by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on August 14, 1941, following a meeting of the two heads of government in Newfoundland.

1945 February: Yalta Conference of the ‘Big Three’ (Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin) decides to organise a United Nations conference on the proposed world organisation.

Kofi A. Annan(1997-2006) Ghana; UN official; created the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria; declared the US-led invasion of Iraq as an illegal act; established the Peacebuilding Commission and the Human Rights Council in 2005; awarded the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize

Ban Ki-Moon worked for the creation of UN Women.