Practicing Success

Target Exam





Meeting Life Challenges


How does stress affect natural killer cell cytotoxicity?


It increases natural killer cell activity.

It has no effect on natural killer cell function.

It reduces natural killer cell cytotoxicity.

It enhances the production of antibodies.

Correct Answer:

It reduces natural killer cell cytotoxicity.


Stress has the potential to impact the functioning of natural killer (NK) cells, which play a crucial role in the body's immune response against infections and cancer. Research has shown that individuals experiencing high levels of stress, such as students facing important examinations, bereaved individuals, and those suffering from severe depression, tend to exhibit reduced levels of NK cell cytotoxicity. This means that their NK cells are less effective in identifying and eliminating abnormal or infected cells. The impact of stress on NK cell function can have significant implications for an individual's immune system and overall health.