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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge




Due to negative impacts of fertilizers and pesticides, various steps have been taken to reduce pests in a way which does not create any harm. According to you, which of the following is a measure to control pest?


Using mixed cropping for controlling pests

Using neem for controlling pests

Help of birds and animals for controlling pests

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


Various efforts are on to bring in better methods of pest control. One such step is the use of pesticides based on plant products. Neem trees are proving to be quite useful. Several types of pests controlling chemicals have been isolated from neem and these are being used. Mixed cropping and growing different crops in consecutive years on the same land have also helped farmers. In addition, awareness is spreading about various animals and birds which help in controlling pests. For example, snakes are one of the prime group of animals which prey upon rats, mice and various other pests. Similarly, large varieties of birds, for example, owls and peacocks, prey upon vermin and pests. If these are allowed to dwell around the agricultural areas.