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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


What components are often called the building blocks of the body that play a vital role in helping to repair and strengthen muscle tissues after exercise?






Correct Answer:



 The correct answer is Option (4) -Proteins

The components often called the building blocks of the body that play a vital role in helping to repair and strengthen muscle tissues after exercise are proteins.

Proteins are essential macronutrients composed of amino acids. Amino acids are the basic units or building blocks that make up proteins. When you engage in physical exercise, especially activities that involve muscle contraction and resistance training, tiny microtears can occur in muscle fibers. Protein plays a crucial role in the repair and rebuilding of these damaged muscle tissues.

During the post-exercise recovery period, the body utilizes dietary protein to synthesize new proteins, which are used for muscle repair and growth. The amino acids derived from protein sources contribute to the rebuilding of muscle fibers, making them stronger and more resilient.

While carbohydrates and fats are also important for overall energy needs and various physiological functions, proteins specifically serve as the primary macronutrient involved in muscle tissue repair and growth. Athletes and individuals engaged in regular physical activity often pay attention to their protein intake to support muscle recovery and optimize performance.