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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


What prevented the resentment towards the system from turning anti-democratic?


The dominance of the Congress party.

The formation of coalitions between opposition parties.

The sustained criticism of the policies and practices of the Congress party.

The lack of alternative political options.

Correct Answer:

The sustained criticism of the policies and practices of the Congress party.


During the early years of India's democracy, opposition parties played a significant role despite the presence of the Congress party. India had a larger number of diverse and vibrant opposition parties compared to many other multi-party democracies. Some of these parties were established even before the first general election in 1952 and played important roles in the politics of the country in the '60s and '70s. The roots of most non-Congress parties today can be traced back to the opposition parties of the 1950s.

Although these opposition parties had only token representation in the Lok Sabha and state assemblies, their presence was crucial in maintaining the democratic character of the system. They consistently and principledly criticized the policies and practices of the Congress party, keeping the ruling party in check and often influencing the balance of power within the Congress. By preserving democratic alternatives, these parties prevented resentment towards the system from turning anti-democratic. Moreover, they nurtured leaders who played pivotal roles in shaping the country.