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Micro Economics: Theory of Consumer behaviour


Which among the following is not true about production possibility curve?


PPC is upward sloping

PPC is concave to its origin

PPC may be convex to its origin

PPC may be straight line downward sloping

Correct Answer:

PPC is upward sloping


The correct answer is option (1) : PPC is upward sloping

The production possibility curve (PPC) is a graphical representation of the possible combinations of two goods that an economy can produce with the given resources and technology. The curve typically has a negative slope (downward sloping), indicating that there is an opportunity cost associated with producing more of one good over another. When one good is produced more, the production of the other must be reduced.

PPC is upward sloping: This statement is incorrect because a PPC is typically depicted as downward sloping. The reason is that in order to produce more of one good, a society must give up some quantity of another good due to scarcity and the need to allocate resources efficiently.

PPC is concave to its origin: This statement is generally correct. A concave PPC implies that the opportunity cost of producing additional units of a good increases as more of that good is produced, due to resources being better suited to produce one good over another.

PPC may be convex to its origin: This statement is also correct. A convex PPC would imply decreasing opportunity costs, meaning that resources are easily adaptable between producing different goods without significant loss in efficiency.

PPC may be straight line downward sloping: This statement is also correct.  A straight-line PPC implies constant opportunity cost. But this scenario will be rare in real life situations.