Practicing Success

Target Exam



-- Mathematics - Section A


Linear Programming


A linear function, which is to minimized or maximized is called


An optimal solution

An objective function

A feasible solution

Bounded solution

Correct Answer:

An objective function


The correct answer is (2) An objective function.

In mathematical optimization, an objective function is a linear function that is either minimized or maximized. The goal of optimization is to find the values of the input variables that minimize or maximize the objective function. The other options mentioned are also relevant in optimization:

- (1) An optimal solution refers to the values of the input variables that result in the minimum or maximum of the objective function.

- (3) A feasible solution is a set of values for the input variables that satisfy the constraints of the problem.

- (4) Bounded solution refers to a solution that is limited within a certain range or bounds.

So, while all these terms are related to optimization problems, the specific linear function that is minimized or maximized is called the objective function.