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Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants


Match the Column1 with Column2:

Column 1 Column 2
1) Fruit develops from the ovary a)False fruit
2)Fruit develops from ovary along with other accessory floral parts b)Parthenocarpic fruit
3)Metabolic activities of embryo slows down  c)True fruit
4) Fruit develops without fertilization  d)Dormancy







Correct Answer:



The correct answer is Option (2) 1-c,2-a,3-d,4-b

Column 1 Column 2
1) Fruit develops from the ovary c)True  fruit
2)Fruit develops from thalamus  a)False fruit
3)Metabolic activities of embryo slows down  d)Dormancy
4) Fruit develops without fertilization  b)Parthenocarpic fruit

 A true fruit is a fruit which develops from the mature and ripened ovary post fertilisation. The seeds of the fruit are developed from the ovule which is inside the ovary.

The fruit which is developed from any other floral part of the flower along with ovary or without ovary is known as false fruit. For example, in some fruits like apples, the edible part of the fruit is the fleshy receptacle/ thalamus.

As the seed matures, its water content is reduced and seeds become relatively dry (10-15 per cent moisture by mass). The general metabolic activity of the embryo slows down. The embryo may enter a state of inactivity called dormancy, or if favourable conditions are available (adequate moisture, oxygen and suitable temperature), they germinate.

Parthenocarpic fruits are fruits that develop without fertilization and, therefore, do not contain seeds. This process is known as parthenocarpy.for example : Banana