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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Era of one Party Dominance


While India is not unique in experiencing one-party dominance, many other countries worldwide have encountered similar situations. However, a critical distinction sets the Indian experience apart. In numerous other cases, the dominance of a single party was established through compromising democratic principles.

The dominance of the Congress party is similar to which of the following parties?


Communist Party of China

Awami league of Bangladesh

African National Congress

Pakistan Peoples Party

Correct Answer:

African National Congress


India is not the only country with one-party dominance; many other nations have experienced it.
The major difference is that in other cases, the preponderance of one party was attained by compromising democracy.
Countries like China, Cuba, and Syria have constitutions that permit only a single ruling party.
Other countries, including Myanmar, Belarus, Egypt, and Eritrea, effectively function as one-party states due to legal and military measures.
Mexico, South Korea, and Taiwan were also effectively one-party dominant states until a few years ago.
What sets the dominance of the Congress party in India apart from these cases is that it occurred under democratic conditions.
In India, multiple parties contested elections freely and fairly, yet the Congress party managed to win election after election.
This can be compared to the African National Congress's dominance in South Africa after the end of apartheid.