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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


As per the Constitution of India, the subject of 'livestock and animal husbandry' is included in the:


State List

Concurrent List

Union List

Residuary List

Correct Answer:

State List


The correct answer is Option1 - State List

The subject of 'livestock and animal husbandry' is included in the List II or the State List of the Seventh Schedule of the Indian Constitution.

The Seventh Schedule divides legislative powers between the Central (Union) Government and the State Governments.

List I (Union List): This list includes subjects over which the Central Government has exclusive power to make laws.
List II (State List): This list includes subjects over which the State Governments have exclusive power to make laws.
List III (Concurrent List): This list includes subjects over which both the Central Government and the State Governments have the power to make laws, with the Central Government's law prevailing in case of conflict.
Livestock and animal husbandry are considered a matter of primary importance for states as they deal with agriculture, rural development, and the livelihoods of a large section of the population. Therefore, the Constitution places it under the purview of the State Governments.