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Target Exam





Psychological Disorders

Psychological disorders are often a taboo subject in our society. Many find themselves to be the subject of ridicule and/or a social pariah from their peers at the simple hint of a mental disorder. This stems largely from simple ignorance to the cause and actual effects of the problems. Many of the same people that spend most of the day complaining about others that have psychological disorders could potentially find themselves and their behavior defined as such. Psychological disorder are an, “ongoing patter of thoughts, feelings or actions that are deviant, distressful and dysfunctional.” Deviancy is defined as being different from other people who share your culture. For behavior to be distressful it must distress either the individual or others around the individual. Finally behavior must cause dysfunction in the individuals’ daily life. For someone to be diagnosed with a psychological disorder their behavior must have all the components of deviancy, distressfulness and cause dysfunction. Numerous people are completely unaware that they are being affected by a psychological disorder verse simply having mood swings or reacting to certain stimuli.

Which of the following is NOT an example of neuro-developmental disorders?


Autism Spectrum Disorder

Intellectual Disability


None of the above

Correct Answer:

None of the above


A common feature of the neurodevelopmental disorders is that they manifest in the early stage of development. Often the symptoms appear before the child enters school or during the early stage of schooling. These disorders result in hampering personal, social, academic and occupational functioning. These get characterised as deficits or excesses in a particular behaviour or delays in achieving a particular age-appropriate behaviour. Several disorders like Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disability, and Specific Learning Disorder are examples of neurodevelopmental disorders. These disorders, if not attended, can lead to more serious and chronic disorders as the child moves into adulthood.