Practicing Success

Target Exam





Social Influence and Group Processes


Which of the following is NOT a correct difference between a group and a team?


In groups, performance is dependent on contributions of individual members but in teams both individual contributions and teamwork matter.

In groups, the leader or whoever is heading the group holds responsibility for the work. However in teams, although there is a leader, members hold themselves responsible.

A team consists of individuals who are trying to satisfy a need through their joint association also influence each other. On the other hand, in case of a group there is a positive synergy attained through the coordinated efforts of the members.

None of the above

Correct Answer:

A team consists of individuals who are trying to satisfy a need through their joint association also influence each other. On the other hand, in case of a group there is a positive synergy attained through the coordinated efforts of the members.


Option 1: In groups, performance is dependent on contributions of individual members but in teams both individual contributions and teamwork matter. This is correct.

Option 2: In groups, the leader or whoever is heading the group holds responsibility for the work. However in teams, although there is a leader, members hold themselves responsible. This is also correct.

Option 3: A team consists of individuals who are trying to satisfy a need through their joint association also influence each other. On the other hand, in case of a group there is a positive synergy attained through the coordinated efforts of the members. This incorrect. The correct statement should be " A group (not team) consists of individuals who are trying to satisfy a need through their joint association also influence each other. On the other hand, in case of a team (not group) there is a positive synergy attained through the coordinated efforts of the members."