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Target Exam





Social Change and Development in India: Globalisation and Social Change


Read the following passage and answer the following questions:

The scope of sociological study is extremely wide. It can focus its analysis of interactions between individuals such as that of a shopkeeper with a customer, between teachers and students, between two friends or family members. it can likewise focus on national issues such as unemployment or caste conflict or the effect of state policies on forest rights of the tribal population or rural indebtedness. Or examine global social processes such as: the ipact of new flexible labour regulations on the working class: or that of the electronic media on the young; or the entry of foreign universities on the education system of the country. What defines the discipline of sociology is therefore not just what it studies (i.e family or trade unions or villages) but how it studies a chosen field.

The effect of Globalisation in India can be identified as:


Opening up of new opportunities and loss of livelihood

Import of raw materials

Rise of NGOs

Change in Technology

Correct Answer:

Opening up of new opportunities and loss of livelihood


The correct answer is Option (1) → Opening up of new opportunities and loss of livelihood

The effect of globalization in India can be identified as the opening up of new opportunities and loss of livelihood. Globalization often leads to increased economic integration and trade, which can create new opportunities for businesses and individuals. However, it can also result in the loss of livelihood for certain groups, particularly those in traditional or less competitive industries that may struggle to adapt to changing global market conditions. Therefore, while globalization brings potential benefits such as increased access to global markets and technologies, it can also lead to economic dislocation and social inequalities.