Practicing Success

Target Exam





Human Health and Disease


Which type of antibodies are produced in response to allergens?


IgA antibodies

IgE antibodies

IgG antibodies

IgM antibodies

Correct Answer:

IgE antibodies


In response to allergens, the immune system produces immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibodies. IgE antibodies are a specific type of antibody that is involved in allergic reactions. When an allergen enters the body and triggers an immune response, B cells in the immune system are activated to produce IgE antibodies.

These IgE antibodies then bind to mast cells, which are specialized immune cells found in tissues throughout the body. Mast cells are particularly concentrated in areas such as the respiratory tract, skin, and digestive system, which are common sites of allergic reactions.

Upon subsequent exposure to the same allergen, the allergen binds to the IgE antibodies attached to mast cells. This triggers the mast cells to release various chemical mediators, such as histamine, serotonin, and leukotrienes, which are responsible for the symptoms of allergies.

It's important to note that IgE antibodies are specific to allergic responses and are not typically involved in other immune reactions. Other types of antibodies, such as IgA, IgG, and IgM, play different roles in the immune system, but they are not primarily associated with allergic reactions.

Therefore, the production of IgE antibodies is a characteristic feature of the immune response to allergens.