Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Active Passive Voice


Choose the sentence that is in 'Active construction':


Why did Sheela jump over the wall?

The mouse was first seen by Kaustav.

A new shopping complex was built.

Look! the page was torn by Sudip.

Correct Answer:

Why did Sheela jump over the wall?


The correct answer is Option (1) → Why did Sheela jump over the wall?

  • Why did Sheela jump over the wall?- Sheela (subject) is performing the action (jumped). (Active Voice)
  • The mouse was first seen by Kaustav. - The mouse (subject) is the recipient of the action (seen). Kaustav performed the action but is mentioned passively using "by Kaustav". (Passive Voice)
  • A new shopping complex was built. - This sentence lacks an agent performing the building. "Built" is in the passive voice. (Passive Voice)
  • Look! the page was torn by Sudip. - This sentence is also in the passive voice. (Passive Voice)

Therefore, the only sentence where the subject actively performs the action is "Why did Sheela jump over the wall?"