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General Test


General Knowledge


What is the formula of butane gas?






Correct Answer:



The correct answer is option 2. $C_4H_{10}$.

Butane is a hydrocarbon belonging to the alkane family, which consists solely of carbon and hydrogen atoms bonded together by single covalent bonds. Its molecular formula is \(C_4H_{10}\).

The molecule of butane is made up of four carbon atoms and ten hydrogen atoms. Each carbon atom forms four single covalent bonds, and each hydrogen atom forms one covalent bond. The structure of butane can be represented as:

\[ \text{CH}_3-\text{CH}_2-\text{CH}_2-\text{CH}_3 \]

In this structure, each carbon atom is bonded to the maximum number of hydrogen atoms possible for an alkane, satisfying the tetravalency of carbon. This is a characteristic feature of alkanes, which have the general formula \(C_nH_{2n+2}\), where \(n\) is the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.

Butane is a flammable gas at room temperature and pressure. It is commonly used as a fuel for lighters, torches, and camping stoves due to its relatively high energy content and ease of storage and transportation. Additionally, butane is used as a propellant in aerosol sprays and as a feedstock in the production of various chemicals.