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Target Exam



General Test


General Knowledge


General Awareness


Diamond Ring is a phenomenon observed


at the start of a total solar eclipse.

at the end of a total solar eclipse.

only along the peripheral regions of the totality trail.

only in the central regions of the totality trail.

Correct Answer:

only along the peripheral regions of the totality trail.


The correct answer is Option (3) - only along the peripheral regions of the totality trail.

During the solar eclipse, as the Moon covers the Sun the rocky topography of the lunar limb allows only the beads of the sunlight to shine in some of the places and while not in other places. When the single bead is left, the diamond ring effect is seen and it appears as the shining “diamond” set in the bright ring around the lunar edge of the object. Therefore, the eclipsed Sun appears like the shining diamond ring and this phenomenon is known as the diamond ring phenomenon or the diamond ring effect. Therefore, Diamond Ring is a phenomenon observed only along the peripheral regions of the totality trail.