Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounting Ratios


On the basis of the following information, answer the question.

Particulars Amount (₹)
Share Capital:  
Equity share capital (₹10 each) 12,00,000
12% Preference share capital 3,00,000
Reserves & Surplus 5,00,000
10% Debentures 12,00,000
Current Liabilities 3,00,000
Fixed Assets 28,00,000
Current Assets 7,00,000
Net profit after tax as per Statement of Profit & Loss 450000
Tax 150000
Market Price of the Share 34

Debt-Equity ratio is a measure of:


Profitability of business

Liquidity position of business

Efficiency in use of business resources

Solvency of business

Correct Answer:

Solvency of business


Solvency ratios are calculated to determine the ability of the business to service its debt in the long run. Debt-equity ratio is one among them. Debt-Equity Ratio measures the relationship between long-term debt and equity. If debt component of the total long-term funds employed is small, outsiders feel more secure. From security point of view, capital structure with less debt and more equity is considered favourable as it reduces the chances of bankruptcy. Normally, it is considered to be safe if debt equity ratio is 2 : 1. However, it may vary from industry to industry. It is computed as follows:
Debt-Equity Ratio = Long−term Debts/ Shareholders’ Funds