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General Test


General Knowledge


Who among the following is the author of the book 'The Secret of the Veda'?


Sri Aurobindo 

Annie Besant 

Swami Vivekananda 

K Krishnamurti

Correct Answer:

Sri Aurobindo 


The correct answer is Option (1) - Sri Aurobindo

"The Secret of the Veda" is a book written by Sri Aurobindo, an Indian philosopher, yogi, and spiritual leader. Sri Aurobindo was a prominent figure in the Indian independence movement against British rule and later became known for his spiritual teachings and philosophy.

In "The Secret of the Veda," Sri Aurobindo delves into the deeper meaning and significance of the Vedas, ancient sacred texts of India. He explores the symbolic and spiritual dimensions of the Vedic hymns, revealing profound insights into the nature of existence, consciousness, and the divine.

Sri Aurobindo interprets the Vedas not merely as historical or ritualistic texts but as repositories of spiritual wisdom and knowledge that are relevant to the modern age. He uncovers the hidden symbolism and spiritual truths encoded within the Vedic verses, shedding light on their relevance to the individual's quest for self-realization and the evolution of human consciousness.