Practicing Success

Target Exam



Business Studies


Nature and significance of Management

A is working as Finance Manager in ABC Ltd. State the management level at which he is working.
Middle Level
Supervisory Level
Top Level
First Level
Correct Answer:
Middle Level
Middle Management: is the link between top and lower level managers. They are subordinate to top managers and superior to the first line managers. They are usually known as division heads, for example production manager. Middle management is responsible for implementing and controlling plans and strategies developed by top management. At the same time they are responsible for all the activities of first line managers. Their main task is to carry out the plans formulated by the top managers. For this they need to: (i) interpret the policies framed by top management, (ii) ensure that their department has the necessary personnel, (iii) assign necessary duties and responsibilities to them, (iv) motivate them to achieve desired objectives, and (v) co operate with other departments for smooth functioning of the organisation. At the same time they are responsible for all the activities of first line managers.