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Target Exam



Political Science


Politics in India Since Independence: Crisis of democratic Order


In January 1977, after eighteen months of Emergency, the government decided to hold elections. Accordingly, all the leaders and activists were released from jail. Elections were held in March 1977. This left the opposition with very little time, but political developments took place very rapidly. The major opposition parties had already been coming closer in the pre-Emergency period. Now they came together on the eve of the elections and formed a new party.

Which of the following happened during the Emergency?


Torture and custodial deaths.

Arbitrary relocation of poor people.

Compulsory sterilization.

All of the above

Correct Answer:

All of the above


Apart from the arrests of political workers and the restrictions on the press, the Emergency directly affected the lives of common people in many cases. Torture and custodial deaths occurred during the Emergency; arbitrary relocation of poor people also took place; and over-enthusiasm about population control led to cases of compulsory sterilization.