Practicing Success

Target Exam





Entrepreneurial Opportunity

Daksh and Nikita passed out their class XII in the year 2020. They were quite inquisitive about venturing into some business and dreamt of starting a business soon after their graduation. The duo used to bring out of many ideas out of serendipity. However, Nikita’s brother who is already an entrepreneur suggested them to streamline their thought process, so as to enlarge the scope of their thinking, and at the same time structuring the ideas according to convenient frames of reference. Identify what is Nikita’s brother hinting them at
Referring to Idea fields
Identifying the problem
Identifying the product
Market assessment
Correct Answer:
Referring to Idea fields
By following different ways for generating ideas an entrepreneur collects a number of ideas. The process of generation of ideas can be streamlined by developing an awareness for different ‘idea fields’. This will help the entrepreneur in enlarging the scope of thinking, at the same time structuring the ideas according to convenient frames of reference. Idea Fields can be described as: 'Convenient frames of reference for streamlining the process of generation of ideas.