Practicing Success

Target Exam





Grammar: Adverb


Choose the appropriate example of the Adverb of Reason-


The book is good enough.

He was too careless.

He therefore left school.

I was very exhausted in the evening.

Correct Answer:

He therefore left school.


The correct answer is Option (3) → He therefore left school.

Here's why:

  • Adverb of Reason: These adverbs explain why something happened. They answer the question "for what reason?"
  • The book is good enough: This doesn't explain the reason for anything, it simply describes the quality of the book.
  • He was too careless: This describes the level of carelessness, not the reason behind an action.
  • I was very exhausted in the evening: This describes the state of being, but doesn't explain a reason for anything.
  • He therefore left school: "Therefore" clearly explains the reason why he left school, making it the Adverb of Reason in this case.