Practicing Success

Target Exam





General English


Select the alternative that correctly converts the following sentence into the Indirect Speech:

"What did you eat last night?" asked my mother.


My mother said to me what did I eat last night.

My mother asked me what had I eaten the previous night.

My mother said what did you eat last night.

My mother questioned me what I ate last night.

Correct Answer:

My mother asked me what had I eaten the previous night.


The correct alternative that correctly converts the given sentence into indirect speech is:OPTION 2  "My mother asked me what I had eaten the previous night."


  1. Reporting Verb:

    • In the indirect speech, the reporting verb changes from "asked" to "asked me." The pronoun "me" is used to indicate the person to whom the question was addressed.
  2. Interrogative Pronoun:

    • The direct question "What did you eat last night?" is transformed into an indirect question using the interrogative pronoun "what."
  3. Past Perfect Tense:

    • The verb "eat" changes to "had eaten" to maintain the correct sequence of tenses. In indirect speech, the past perfect tense is used for reported actions that occurred before the reporting verb.

Putting it all together: "My mother asked me what I had eaten the previous night."