Practicing Success

Target Exam





Principles of Inheritance and Variation


What will happen with the children if a colour blind lady marries a normal male ?


Colour blind sons and colour blind daughters .

Colour blind sons and carrier daughters .

Normal sons and colour blind daughters.

Normal sons and carrier daughters .

Correct Answer:

Colour blind sons and carrier daughters .


The correct answer is Option (2) - Colour blind sons and carrier daughters .

In this scenario, if a colorblind woman (who carries the recessive allele for color blindness on both X chromosomes) marries a normal male (who has two normal X chromosomes), their offspring's genotype and phenotype would depend on the combination of alleles received from both parents.

The correct outcome would be: Colour blind sons and carrier daughters .


  • The woman, being colorblind, must carry the recessive allele for color blindness on both of her X chromosomes (XcXc).
  • The man, being normal,  normal alleles for color vision (XY).
  • As a result:
  • All daughters will inherit one normal X chromosome from the father (X) and one colorblind X chromosome from the mother (Xc). Therefore, they will be carriers (XXc) but will not express color blindness themselves.
  • All sons will inherit the normal Y chromosome from the father (Y) and the colorblind X chromosome from the mother (Xc). As a result, they will be colorblind (XcY).

This pattern follows the X-linked recessive inheritance, where sons who inherit the recessive allele from their mother (who carries the colorblind allele) will express the trait, while daughters will be carriers but not express the trait.