Target Exam





India-People and Economy: Population-Distribution,Density, Growth and Composition


Read the given passage carefully and answer following questions:

The division of the society into male, female and transgender is believed to be natural and biological. But, in reality, there are social constructs and roles assigned to individuals which are reinforced by social institutions. Consequently, these biological differences become the basis of social differentiations, discriminations and exclusions. The exclusion of over half of the population becomes a serious handicap to any developing and civilised society. It is a global challenge, which has been acknowledged by the UNDP when it mentioned that, "If development is not engendered, it is endangered" (HDR UNDP 1995). Discrimination, in general, and gender discrimination, in particular, is a crime against humanity.

All efforts need to be made to address the denial of opportunities of education, employment, political representation, low wages for similar types of work, disregard to their entitlement to live a dignified life, etc. A society, which fails to acknowledge and take effective measures to remove such discriminations, cannot be treated as a civilised one. The Government of India has duly acknowledged the adverse impacts of these discriminations and launched a nationwide campaign called 'Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao."

The number of female workers is relatively high in primary sector, though in recent years there has been some improvement in work participation of women on secondary and tertiary sectors.

The number of female workers is relatively high in _________.


Primary Sector

Secondary Sector

Tertiary Sector

Quaternary Sector

Correct Answer:

Primary Sector


The correct answer is Option (1) → Primary Sector

  • The number of female workers is relatively high in primary sector, though in recent years there has been some improvement in work participation of women on secondary and tertiary sectors.
  • It's important to note that the distribution of female workers can vary significantly by region and is subject to change over time due to shifts in economic activities, technological advancements, and changes in societal norms.
  • While women are often more involved in the primary sector, efforts are being made in many places to increase gender diversity in other sectors, including the secondary and tertiary sectors, to provide women with more diverse economic opportunities.