Practicing Success

Target Exam





Fill Blanks


Select the most appropriate option to fill in the   blank.

The health personnel advised to _________ of unhealthy food habits if we want to maintain our cardio-vascular health.


pay lip service

keep the pot boiling 

run short 

steer clear 

Correct Answer:

steer clear 


The most appropriate option to fill in the blank is steer clear.

The sentence is talking about the need to avoid unhealthy food habits in order to maintain cardiovascular health. The word "steer clear" means to avoid something or to keep away from something. It is the most appropriate option in this context because it conveys the idea that we should make a conscious effort to avoid unhealthy food habits.

The other options are either incorrect or do not make sense in the context of the sentence.

  • "Pay lip service" means to give only superficial attention to something. It is not the right option because it does not convey the idea of avoiding unhealthy food habits.
  • "Keep the pot boiling" means to keep something active or to keep something going. It is not the right option because it does not make sense in the context of the sentence.
  • "Run short" means to not have enough of something. It is not the right option because it does not convey the idea of avoiding unhealthy food habits.