Practicing Success

Target Exam





Psychological Disorders


What do humanists believe about human beings?


They are naturally aggressive and destructive.

They have a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative, and constructive.

They have no control over their behavior.

They are driven by unconscious conflicts.

Correct Answer:

They have a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative, and constructive.


Another psychological model is the humanistic-existential model which focuses on broader aspects of human existence. Humanists believe that human beings are born with a natural tendency to be friendly, cooperative and constructive, and are driven to self-actualise, i.e. to fulfil this potential for goodness and growth. Existentialists believe that from birth we have total freedom to give meaning to our existence or to avoid that responsibility. Those who shirk from this responsibility would live empty, inauthentic, and dysfunctional lives.