Practicing Success

Target Exam





Accounts for Non Profit Organsiation


From the Receipt and Payment Account given below, find out the surplus or deficit.
Receipt and Payment Account for the year ending March 31, 2017
Balance b/d 3,200 , Salary 1,500, Rent 800, Subscriptions 22,500, Electricity 3,500, Entrance Fees 1,250, Taxes 1,700, Donations 2,500, Printing and Stationery 380, Rent of hall 750, Sundry expenses 920, Sale of investments 3,000, Books purchased 7,500, Govt. bonds purchased 10,000, Fixed deposit with bank 5,000 (on 31.03.2017) Balance c/d Cash in hand 400 Cash at bank 1,500 1,900 33,200 33,200.


Surplus ₹18,500

Deficit ₹18,500

Surplus ₹16700

Deficit ₹16700

Correct Answer:

Surplus ₹16700


Books of Delhi Club Income and Expenditure Account for the year ending March 31, 2017
Expenditure Amount- Salary 1,500 + Rent 800+ Electricity 3,500 + Taxes 1,700 + Rent of hall 750 + Printing & Stationery 380 + Sundry Expenses 920 = 9550
Income Amount- Entrance fees 1,250 + Donation 2,500 + Subscriptions 22,500 = ₹26250
Surplus = 26250 - 9550 = ₹16700